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Git integration

Cloudflare supports connecting Cloudflare Pages to your GitHub and GitLab repositories to look for new changes to your project. Pages does not currently support self-hosted instances of GitHub or GitLab.

Custom branches

Suppose you have a custom Git workflow that uses specific branches to represent your project’s production build. In that case, you can specify a custom branch when creating (or managing an existing) project in the Pages dashboard by going to Settings > Builds & deployments > Configure Production deployments. To change the production branch, click the production branch dropdown menu and choose any other branch.

You can also use preview deployments to preview how the new version of your project looks before merging into production. In addition, Pages allows you to configure which of your preview branches are built and deployed by using branch build controls.

To configure this in your Pages project go to Settings > Builds & deployments > Configure preview deployment and select Custom branches. Here you can specify branches you wish to include and exclude from automatic deployments in the provided configuration fields. To learn more refer to the branch build controls documentation.

Skipping a specific build via a commit message

Without any configuration required, you can choose to skip a deployment on an adhoc basis. By adding the [CI Skip], [CI-Skip], [Skip CI], [Skip-CI], or [CF-Pages-Skip] flag as a prefix in your commit message, and Pages will omit that deployment. The prefixes are not case sensitive.

Organizational access

You can deploy projects to Cloudflare Pages from your open-source team, company, or side project on both GitHub and GitLab.


When authorizing Cloudflare Pages to access a GitHub account, you can specify access to your individual account or an organization that you belong to on GitHub. In order to be able to add the Cloudflare Pages installation to that organization, your user account must be an owner or have the appropriate role within the organization (that is, the GitHub Apps Manager role). More information on these roles can be seen on GitHub’s documentation.


By authorizing Cloudflare Pages to access your GitLab account, you will automatically allow access to organizations, groups, and namespaces your GitLab account can access for use by Cloudflare Pages. Managing access to these organizations and groups is handled by GitLab.

Removing access


You can remove Cloudflare Pages’ access to your GitHub account by viewing the Applications page on GitHub. The GitHub App is named Cloudflare Workers and Pages, and it is shared between Workers and Pages projects.

Note that removing access to GitHub will disable new builds for Workers and Pages, though the last build of your site will continue to be hosted via Cloudflare Pages.


You can remove Cloudflare Pages’ access to your GitLab account by navigating to User Settings > Applications > Authorized Applications. Find the applications called Cloudflare Pages and select the Revoke button to revoke access.

Note that the GitLab application Cloudflare Pages is shared between Workers and Pages projects, and removing access to GitLab will disable new builds for Workers and Pages, though the last build of your site will continue to be hosted via Cloudflare Pages.

Reinstall a Git installation

When encountering Git integration related issues, one potential troubleshooting step is attempting to uninstall and reinstall the GitHub or GitLab application associated with the Cloudflare Pages installation. The process for each Git provider is provided below.


  1. Go to the installation settings page on GitHub:
    1. for individual accounts.
    2.<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME>/settings/installations for organizational accounts.
  2. If the Cloudflare Workers and Pages installation is there, click Configure, and click Uninstall “Cloudflare Workers and Pages”. If there is no “Cloudflare Workers and Pages” installation there, then you don’t need to do anything.
  3. Go back to the Workers & Pages overview page at[YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID]/workers-and-pages. Click Create application > Pages > Connect to Git
  4. Click the + Add account button, click the GitHub account you want to add, and then click Install & Authorize.
  5. You should be redirected to the create project page with your GitHub account or organization in the account list.
  6. Attempt to make a new deployment with your project which was previously broken.


  1. Go to your application settings page on GitLab located here:
  2. Click the “Revoke” button on your Cloudflare Pages installation if it exists.
  3. Go back to the Workers & Pages overview page at[YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID]/workers-and-pages. Click Create application > Pages > Connect to Git
  4. Select the GitLab tab at the top, click the + Add account button, click the GitLab account you want to add, and then click Authorize on the modal titled “Authorize Cloudflare Pages to use your account?“.
  5. You will be redirected to the create project page with your GitLab account or organization in the account list.
  6. Attempt to make a new deployment with your project which was previously broken.


Project Creation

This repository is being used for a Cloudflare Pages project on a different Cloudflare account.

Using the same Github/Gitlab repository across separate Cloudflare accounts is disallowed. To use the repository for a Pages project in that Cloudflare account, you should delete any Pages projects using the repository in other Cloudflare accounts.


If you run into any issues related to deployments or failing, check your project dashboard to see if there are any SCM installation warnings listed as shown in the screenshot below.

Pausing a deployment in the Settings of your Pages project

To resolve any errors displayed in the Cloudflare Pages dashboard, follow the steps listed below.

This project is disconnected from your Git account, this may cause deployments to fail.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps provided above in the Reinstalling a Git installation section for the applicable SCM provider. If the issue persists even after uninstalling and reinstalling, contact support.

Cloudflare Pages is not properly installed on your Git account, this may cause deployments to fail.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps provided above in the Reinstalling a Git installation section for the applicable SCM provider. If the issue persists even after uninstalling and reinstalling, contact support.

The Cloudflare Pages installation has been suspended, this may cause deployments to fail.

Go to your GitHub installation settings:

  • for individual accounts
  •<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME>/settings/installations for organizational accounts

Click Configure on the Cloudflare Pages application. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Unsuspend to allow Cloudflare Pages to make future deployments.

The project is linked to a repository that no longer exists, this may cause deployments to fail.

You may have deleted or transferred the repository associated with this Cloudflare Pages project. For a deleted repository, you will need to create a new Cloudflare Pages project with a repository that has not been deleted. For a transferred repository, you can either transfer the repository back to the original Git account or you will need to create a new Cloudflare Pages project with the transferred repository.

The repository cannot be accessed, this may cause deployments to fail.

You may have excluded this repository from your installation’s repository access settings. Go to your GitHub installation settings:

  • for individual accounts
  •<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME>/settings/installations for organizational accounts

Click Configure on the Cloudflare Pages application. Under Repository access, ensure that the repository associated with your Cloudflare Pages project is included in the list.

There is an internal issue with your Cloudflare Pages Git installation.

This is an internal error in the Cloudflare Pages SCM system. You can attempt to reinstall your Git installation, but if the issue persists, contact support.

  • Branch build controls - Control which environments and branches you would like to automatically deploy to.